Sunday, July 26, 2009

Let's All Go to the Lobby...

It's amazing how "entertainment" changes after you have a child. Not that Sara and I went to the movies all that often in the first place, but without having easy access to a sitter, it becomes that much more difficult to keep in touch with modern film. Thinking its time to in-source our entertainment, (already partially done since we can spend literally HOURS watching Charlotte in awe and wonder in lieu of TV) Sara and I decided to end our ongoing vacillation over the issue and join Netflix.

Our first movie arrived the other day and we excitedly opened the envelope reveling the first item from our queue "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". Happy and excited to pop that bad-boy in the DVD payer, I flipped over the envelope to notice "Runtime: 2hrs 46min". "So it's a tad-bit long... so what? you ask.

Years ago, I would have no problem with a movie this length but since meeting Sara, I find that the length of a rented movie is directly oprportional to the number of days it takes us to actually get through it. Yes, I said it, and I meant it... DAYS! You see, Sara has some sort of undiagnosed odd variant of narcolepsy which causes her to pass out sometimes within minutes of starting the feature, inevitably causing me to suspend the film until anothr day. My solution to her ailment is to start watching movies earlier in the day. Now, of course, "earlier" means that the screening falls during Charlotte's sleep-awake-sleep-awake evening cycle. Never before have I seen this many intermissions during a home sceening. If it wasn't an interruption for Charlotte, it was an interruption from us having to recharge with food or discharge our poor bladders on account of it being so long since starting the feature.

That old 50's jingle, that we've heard in some form or another, with the dancing popcorn, candy, and beverage, was a good representation of the thoughts flashing in my mind through each and every pause cycle in that almost 3 hour movie. I thought you all might appreciate the nostalgic memory as I did. Walk down nostalgia lane with me here by listening to this familiar tune.

From 5 Feet,

PS. I write this as we sit and contemplate the start time for our next Netflix feature sitting on our coffee table.

1 comment:

  1. Sara would break my husband. He abhors watching movies and television shows in multiple sittings. We don't watch many movies at home anymore, since by the time we get the kids to bed and random chores done it's generally after 9:00, and he would rather not watch something than watch it in two parts. I, on the other hand, sometimes take a full week to catch up with a one hour television show in little snatches of free time. He's also not a rewatcher. I love him anyway.

    I feel like maybe you have Tivo - free streaming from Netflix is nice. Did you enjoy the movie?
